Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Bee is BACK too!

I was watching the local Spelling Bee this weekend, and had so much fun! Man, you should watch spelling bees with me and my sister. Everyone knows the questions that contestants are allowed to ask:

"Can you repeat the word?"
"May I have the definition, please?"
"Can you use the word in a sentence?"

Anyway, they gave one of the contestants the word singular. Right away, I thought that the correct spelling was Cingular (the cell phone company, just in case you don't know), but I corrected myself right away and spelled it correctly. Then I got to thinking, is cingular an actual word? It SURE IS!!! Thanks to my trusty online dictionary - - I think either spelling would have been acceptable!

SO...I think that the following question should also be acceptable:

"Can I have an explanation please?"

And my sister added some very important questions:

"Can you use that word in a song?"
"May I have a demonstration please?" (e.g., in the case of narcolepsy)

The End. T-H-E E-N-D. Correct.

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