Friday, December 07, 2007

Sad Secret Santa Story

My office plays Secret Santa every year, so we're in the middle of it for this year. It's weird this year because there are so many new people in our office. And since there are so many new people, not everyone knows I'm allergic to peanuts.

I'm guessing that the person who got me is new, because I've gotten peanut butter candy from him/her twice already...the second time was this morning. I opened the door to my office and caught a whiff of the chocolate peanut butter bells that were on my desk. Nice thought, sweet gift, but OMG. This happened at 7:55 a.m. and it is now 9:25 a.m. I'm still sneezing, coughing and sniffling.

I felt bad, but I had to bring the candy out and give it to others in the office, then had to leave my office door open so I could air the office out and breathe.

Poor monkey. No laughing this morning. I'll post later with a funnier story.

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