Sunday, February 24, 2008

Girl Scout Cookie Recipe

My brother brought home 6 dozen cookies this week, and my cousin convinced us to get banana splits this weekend, so my sugar levels are WAY high. Even so, I am soooo anxious for my Girl Scout cookies to be delivered...mostly because of this recipe (which, BTW, I found while I was doing homework...and it shows you how productive my homework time is...):

Thank Heaven for Little Girl(Scout)s Samoa Cheese Tart

Thank you for sharing, Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy (yes, that is a reference to a person!)!!

The cookies should be here in a week or so, and I'd be happy to share the finished product if anyone wants to try it! Or you may just want to make your own so you don't have to share with me! :)

1 comment:

Susan @ SGCC said...


Thank you for the link to my recipe. I'm so glad you liked it. If you make the tart, let me know how it turns out.